Update 26th May 2015 00:04 EET:
Our site is working again. We apologize for this downtime. We have added 2 days extra subscription time for all paying customers because of this server downtime.
Update 25th May 2015 21:59 EET:
Still fixing the server.
Update 25th May 2015 16:12 EET:
It will take approx. 4 more hours to get the server up.
Update 25th May 2015 14:14 EET:
We are having a server issue (again, sorry). It could take 2-3 hours to get it up and running (estimate). We are investigating if we need to replace some components.
Original post 7th May 2015:
We have now fixed the server problems. All paid customers who had active subscriptions today will receive +48 hours extra time for compensation.